
Comment history with hypnotique


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 comments

well..? :\

Posted by clicheispasse on Jul 21, 07 9:17 pm

ahah sweet, thank you!
so i'm trying to get a layout i made to work on myspace, but it's been so long i completely forgot how to code it at all
here's the link:
http://img.photobucket. com/albums/v333/A7XandAtreyu/m auricioliabetter.png

and also i was messing around photoshop trying to make a 'banner' out of these 3 pics i have but it turned out so ugly i gave up
if you're willing..

but i'm more interested in the layout more than anything :]

Posted by clicheispasse on Jul 19, 07 4:04 am

The offer is still there. =]

Posted by hypnotique on Jul 19, 07 12:53 am

hey thank you for the warm welcome
i hope the offer to help still stands?

Posted by clicheispasse on Jul 18, 07 5:09 am

welcome to createblog!
If you have any questions feel free to PM me anytime


Posted by hypnotique on Jul 14, 07 9:44 am
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  • 17 years old